hi it's me arkinox. i'm the CTO of fanfares.io. i created the cyberspace meta-protocol on nostr and the first cyberspace client, ONOSENDAI at onosendai.tech (work in progress) i am an opensats.org grantee for building the cyberspace meta-protocol. here is my first quarterly update on my progress. i created yondar.me, an augmented reality social wayfinding web app and then i open-sourced it and am rebuilding it on nostr at go.yondar.me. you can publish and own your place on the map. it's like goolag maps without the goolag! (work in progress) during the #nostrasia hackathon i created crashglow.com which allows game devs to self-publish their games on nostr. future plans to add cashu-based monetization for game devs too. i am working on geospatial standards for nostr protocol and helped to start the #nostrgamedev movement (t.me/nostrgamedev) i've been on podcasts: "nostrovia - a metaverse on nostr" thank God for nostr - arkinox thank God for nostr - arkinox bonus plebchain radio - the nostr protocol "other stuff" With arkinox more about cyberspace: the protocol spec (WIP): cyberspace Nostr: The Dawn of Cyberspace - de-mystify the origins of the 'metaverse' and see how we can build it on nostr - a comprehensive introduction to cyberspace construct miner - you can claim your own territory in cyberspace right now using proof-of-work my cyberspace talks from #nostrasia japan: cyberspace telegram: t.me/ONOSENDAITECH more about yondar: dev call 1: dev call 2: coming soon yondar telegram: t.me/yondarme more about nostr game dev: nostr game dev telegram t.me/nostrgamedev more about nostr: 1 Out of 5 Stars - Why The Five Star Rating Paradigm is Garbage, and One Way to Fix It With NIP-32 - a proposal for a human-centric rating system called QTS that will make our subjective economic signals stronger and markets more efficient nostr social graph rating system i built while consulting for OpenAgents Inc. (Arcade Labs) chunkey monkey - a nostr tool to split large files into small nostr events and reassemble them with a single identifier about me: i published my first website when i was 11 and basically never stopped i'm on nostr: npub1arkn0xxxll4llgy9qxkrncn3vc4l69s0dz8ef3zadykcwe7ax3dqrrh43w